he G20 Youth Forum (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, May 7-11, 2014) has been the largest international event organized for young leaders in 2014, and over 1200 young leaders, students and academics, young members of parliaments, representatives of the business world and governments participated in it.
On 8 May G20 Youth Forum 2014 participants came together for the Opening Ceremony which also was broadcast live through the official web-site. The Internet users could follow up the discussion and ask their questions to panel in the online mode. The Opening Ceremony panelists inspired participants with their fascinating stories about how they brought their ideas to life and prove that anyone can make the world a better place. The stories on the topic «Becoming the change you want to see» were overwhelming:
Global Impact in Ecology (13 billion trees planted, 27000 ambassadors, 10000 media coverage worldwide)
Impact in Technology (unique technologies shaping the Boeing innovations development)
Impact in Social Integration (refugees from Congo, Ruanda, Ghana, Colombia, Ecuador as well as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka in the leadership of Canadian development)
Impact in Education (Australian students tackle the problem of unemployment)
Impact in Charity (retrieve children from the Syrian Civil War disaster)
Impact in Environment protection (Young Chinese lady defended the nature against offensive civilization)
Impact in the development of the responsible executive generation (G-20Y Summit gathering 100 c-level executives from the international leading companies)
The 7 panelists in this year’s plenary session represent the broad range of interests and exemplifies the kind of vision as well as the professionalism, the commitment and skills necessary to improve our world.
Throughout the three days of hard work students, professors and parliamentarians were discussing the global agenda and request their recommendations to the world community. For better cooperation, G20 Youth Forum provided for a three main platforms: G20 Youth Summit, Conference and International Young Parliamentarians Debate. This year the new platform of cross-communication between all the participants - Joint Sessions - was implemented. Therefore all issues were considered in various approaches - academic, legislative, economic and cultural dimensions.
Final Results of the G20 Youth Forum 2014 were shared, in particular, with the G20 Heads of States and leading international organizations such as IMF, World Bank, OECD, European Commission, or United Nations Organization.